How to keep your brand up and buoyant in the web domains!
Analyzing the present trends, it is easy to assume that there are no boundaries for ‘web social’ and ‘web commerce’ turfs that are not only expanding but also breeding novelties and concepts of worth. Well there is of course jubilance at such booms in the domains of internet; but sometimes the novelties, like I said, could be very challenging for the stakeholders such as the commerce vendors that sit tight with their showcases towards sales! ‘Reputation’ could be called one such challenge and this is the new one; the predecessors like ‘digital marketing’ and ‘visibility’ have found viable techniques; courtesy to the dedication and calibers of the webmasters around the world. ORM is the niche that attempts the reputation management for your brand in web! We at D2S have mastered the techniques and tools relevant to ORM on the basis of our expertise in web design and development!
So what is this ‘reputation’ challenge in the web matrix and how it could haunt a brand that already enjoys appeal and sales momentum! Could you ever imagine the extent of harm? Experts have warned that negative branding – deliberate or otherwise could be fatal! They opine that even the mightiest brands could founder in short timelines in the internet expanses. But how, you may wonder! Internet differs from the TV and print banners that have been the traditional mediums of marketing and branding till last century. Internet offers the supra size pool where commerce and marketing is being leveraged through the burgeoning base of enthusiasts in the social; apart from the standards passages of SEO and links building among others. Moreover, the ‘character’ that lead search engines like Google have developed in the past few years determines much as how the digital marketing and branding as also search & visibility would be attempted.
The correlation between the above stated factors from the perspective of ORM emanates from the fact that search engines have been coronating the web pages that carry the genuine unbiased reviews columns attached as part of the fundamental site architecture; and remember, Google has invested heavily in its smart and intelligent algorithms to crawl the sitemap information and find the availability of such eWoM at the page. If it exists, then thumbs up! The website would automatically find place in top slots of SERPs; of course subject to other parameters of relevance and demand. What funnels out for the webmasters and digital marketing experts is that the ‘social quotient’ is a now a must attribute for website architecture; especially if they are working an ecommerce one. However, the challenge is also latent in it. What if an aggressive customer having heavy dissatisfaction with the product purchase leaves a bad eWoM at the reviews page?
The page is always vulnerable to open criticism because the buyers/users/visitors have been granted the privilege to come and speak and discuss there. The fact that all the consumers cannot be satisfied always opens the possibility of such customers leaving a negative comment. The brand power is at stake; because many potential buyers would be distracted & back out of the deal if they read such a comment. It is then that the need for ORM emerges; so that your brand worth is retained and kept intact from the onslaughts that could occur anytime! D2S ORM specialists rely on trusted tools and employ targeted methods to cut down such negative leads and keep the brand buoyant and healthy in the web domains.
While ‘social’ space and associated synergisms that have brewed in the internet in last few years have been the prime turf of bad comments, & hence bad reputation, some other factors could also generate trouble of high concern! The dimension of ‘envious competitors’ cannot be ruled out. The business competitors have been always engaged in tussles behind the curtain in open domain market; and they feel inspired to do the same and wreck havoc on competitor’s brand image in the web also. Well, as said above, internet is much different from other media of yester age; & for targeted image tarnishing also, there are easy passages for the filthy initiatives! What if a person engages in deliberate negative eWoM or if a whole campaign is initiated with such intention? These possibilities are not a blur but there have been real examples where such brand destruction has been attempted by competitors who find really easy to engage in such maneuvers. In the purview of ORM, we therefore also find this dimension reflected; & the wise webmasters take into account any such possibility.
At D2S, we undertake holistic ORM strategies and make use of standard tools to keep a swift eye on the negative buzz that may be developing at your brand’s credit. And remember that this is no easy task; because, otherwise needless to mention, the modern web is a super big space! However, we are well prepared with all our expertise and mechanisms and make use of frontline tools dedicated for ORM like –
D2S considers that ORM is very dynamic task and cannot be confined within the ambit of fewer rules; but our belief is that immense number of corollaries could develop differently in each case! This warrants a close supervision of the evolving situation and therefore we generally integrate our ORM campaigns with the digital marketing for the customer. Actually there are multiple benefits of such conjunction; both for the customer and for our webmasters also. One such advantage is that our ORM specialists are continuously updated about the new buzz that your digital branding & marketing initiatives are accumulating. This makes the identification and tracking of negative leads easy. While we are also supported technically through the above mentioned tools of ORM, the broad interconnection between digital marketing and ORM serves very fruitfully and a generic dynamism is secured effectively.
Dynamism in ORM also means that the specialists have to be very vigilant about the phenomena unfolding; especially, if it is deviating due to negative leads contained in it! Therefore when the webmasters are closely associated with your digital marketing and branding campaigns they know very well about the existing and potential results from the same; hence the direction and substance (the ingredients) of ORM could be determined more effectively. D2S experts do the comprehensive tracking and they keep molding the results so that the deviations are checked in real time. This dimension of dynamic ORM relates to the ‘preventive’ orientation wherein the negative eWoM and buzz is tried to be controlled at the inception stage itself; rather than post facto, when the damage has already started to emerge!
Customization is another attribute of ORM services for the business clients. Every customer is different and has a unique spread and appeals matrix in the web. The passages for inviting criticism for one customer may not be the same for all customers; because the targeted audiences and potential buyers do differ in each case. Hence an ORM campaign needs to be responsive towards the specific orientation and demands of the client’s portfolio, its marketing campaign in the web and the vulnerable patches in its current brand worth. D2S takes care of these attributes very well and executes a complete strategy of ORM so that a fail proof buffer is created to guard the brand against all negative buzz – deliberate or otherwise.
The web design services have developed various techniques to control and arrest the negative leads for any business client. While the dedicated tools help in identifying and tracing the sources and turfs of negative eWoM, the onus lies on the ORM specialists to weed them out so that the health of brand in web domains is kept intact. Most ORM webmasters pay focus to periodic removal of the negative leads so that a terminal closure is secured for that lead and there is no possibility of it garnering more substance or ‘ayes’ by the other peers! This however, is an intricate task and the search engines do not allow open tinkering with the social columns on the web pages; courtesy again to their crawler bots and inbuilt algorithms in them that the genuineness of the social eWoM is open to them (the engines)!
The expanse of ORM is unfolding continuously because the leading webmasters keep innovating and discovering the new techniques and mechanisms to manage the reputation of the brand. The novel responses are more contingent on the vulnerabilities that brands face in the web domains today; this also represents the custom catering of ORM services. We have been learning with time and have aggregated the best examples that constitute our knowledge pool. Our ORM exercise is spread along all dimensions of digital marketing and the objective is to contain all the vulnerabilities well so that your brand remains up and buoyant and continues to enjoy the popular craze at its credit.