Mobile App Development best practices


  • Posted by Admin
  • June 1, 2017

Mobile App Development best practices

A mobile app is probably the easiest way to reach your target audience in a short span of time. It is also the quickest way to probably ruin your reputation among users due a shoddily developed one. Here, we point out some of the best practices to have a smooth functioning and extensively used application:

Knowing the Target Audience

There are a few important questions to ask yourself before developing an app: Whom am I developing my app for? Are there enough users for my app? Will they use my app frequently? Are there apps similar to mine which the users can easily switch to?

Such questions need to be asked clearly before setting out for any kind of development.

Giving high importance to Security

In today’s era of wireless uploads and downloads, the threat to mobile security in the form of viruses and hackers is immense. It pays for any app to have high encryption and security backups for passwords and data. A highly secured mechanism allows users to download and use the app with utmost confidence and thus increases its reliability factor.

Focusing on User Interface(UI)

The user is never worried about which platform the app has been built on whether Java, C++ or PHP. The thing which matters most to them is the end Interface. If the Interface is too complicated or stacked with data or images, it results in a negative impact on the users. Taking end user feedback during the development stage itself is one of the best ways to make a superior UI acceptable to most.

Making the Core strong

If your application is for e-commerce then making the payment procedure smooth is important. Similarly, if the app is for cloud storage then the syncing mechanism should be full proof. The idea is to focus on making the core extremely strong so that the rest of the application can be built upon it. This will also make it lighter and comparatively faster.

Testing and Analytics

Test the app thoroughly before the end release with as many users as possible. This will minimize the possibility of bugs and errors in the released version. Once the app is released, check the analytics regarding the number of clicks, app crashes, crash logs, maximum and minimum used features etc.

Throughout the whole process of development, keeping the end user in mind is the best way to come out with a highly functional and hassle free application.

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